true is our state? The question, in which no real answer. The issue that calls
into question the very fact of our existence. The question is, whose theme
repeatedly raised and posed as a cornerstone and extremely responsible. So what
we are, and that is the basis of our existence?
the embryo is formed, it begins to affect the world around us. Intracellular
processes, oxygen intake, useful and harmful substances, the general
characteristics of the environment. All this affects the still unformed body.
And the body responds to the world around us. It grows, develops, compensates
for the shortcomings and demonstrates the possibilities. The body becomes what
can be. But who wants to appear.
society, we have not been sincere. We do not say what we feel, we do not do
what we want. We follow these rules, which are quoted our behavior. And the
longer we stay in such a society, those working closely with all of its
processes. In consequence of that, we are or become a member, or an enemy to be
in every way to confront the fact that he does not like. But even if in the
form of "anarchist", "destroyer of stereotypes" or
"Messiah", we still remain a member of this society. The fight
against the "system" implies that we recognize the existence of
"the system" and, furthermore, acknowledge its greatness and power
over us. Otherwise - we do not need to fight it. Why resist the one who is
weaker than us?
bad luck. In this struggle the main thing: I never thought you were someone to
interact with the "system". Who were you before I started doing what
you doing. If you start to understand, and in this, you will understand that
the previous steps were as "not yours." Before interacting with
anything, we are also very dependent on a host of other factors. And then the
question will be: who am I? What will determine me as a person, if I keep is
the one who generates a lot of reaction to stimuli?
is important not the fact of the reaction, and its quality. We are those with a
certain way responsible for its world stimuli. Someone can withstand
provocation, while others give in and lose. Some might tolerate defeat and will
continue to be engaged in business, and someone will throw everything and
become marginalized. The reaction to anything (as a fact, as a completed
action) does not define us as a person. It defines us as living beings. Its
manifestations (angry, rejoice, ignore, offended ...) defines us as
individuals. And only then, for what purpose we have to react - proclaims the
verdict, what sort of person we are.
conclusion is simple: we can be any person that we want. Qualitatively
pretending (that's pretending, pretending not) we can portray any character,
any mood. Pretend - show externally any signs. Simulate - force yourself to
feel them. Start attitude a "soul." And then we can begin a new phase
of his life.
state - depends on us. It is we, the rest of his days, predetermine their
identity. Create itself, regardless of the environment, or using it to their
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