man - a unique living being, combines two contradictory components. On the one
hand, we continue to be allowed. On the other hand, presents itself as the only
intelligent beings in the universe. Our life may be as the highest value, and
to be thrown in the gears of history. We can build an absolute any idea, any
worldview. And we can devalue everything under the guise of cynicism, nihilism
and immorality. But, despite lifestyle, sooner or later, we ask ourselves. The
question about the meaning of our existence. The fact is, if we have any
purpose and that will remain after us.
due so that the style of life that would leave on their own offspring. We were
born for, that would create the same yourself, that would increase the
evolution of species. What for? In order to leave a part of themselves in the
world. One of the concepts is considering the theory that man is immortal in
their children. As long as we leave a legacy, we maintain the most appropriate
genetic composition and keep it yourself.
how successful this kind of "save"? After all, no one can guarantee
that the children and leave offspring behind. And their children - whether to
continue the race? Especially now, when you can open to become a supporter of
the movement "Child-free" change sex or even to shift to any other
activity, and with his head in her leave. In that case, mankind may face a new
threat. But it is good that it is only in theory but in practice, continues to
be a priority reproduction of a part of human life, as evidenced by the growth
of the world population.
contrast to "self preservation" in children, we can keep ourselves in
any other activity. Fame, to create something unprecedented, a new religion or
a new rocket engine. Write a terrific play, or become one of the world's
richest. All in our hands. Moreover, this way of "saving" more
visible and more quality than conventional breeding. Names of famous inventors,
artists, politicians - spinning in the language of many of humanity. But the
names of the parents or the children of these people - the forgotten, erased,
not made public.
judge a person based on the results of its activities. The results are already
talking about the fact, whether the person lived on the planet. And the best
way to prove the existence of his life, is to give the result of its
activities. But if there is no activity - there is no person. And how to act
and what to do in such a case - everyone chooses.
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