The evolution of mankind

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Components of proprium

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The sensation of the body. The first aspect, needed for the development of proprium - the sensation of the body. During the first year of life, infants begin to recognize many feelings that come from the muscles, tendons, ligaments, internal organs, and so on. These repetitive bodily sensations form I with full self-development, we are talking about the feeling of the processes that occur in the body. Due to the same meditations, spiritual practices, and so on, a person learns to understand themselves as a single structure.
The sense of self-identity. A second aspect of the deployment proprium - self-identity - is most evident when using the language of the child is aware of itself as a definite and permanent VIP. The form of sought by the transhumanist, determines its existence as a post human cyborg, the ideal bio-machine, artificial intelligence developed emotional sphere, etc.
A sense of self-esteem. During the third year of life begins to emerge following form proprium - esteem. According to Allport, self-esteem - a sense of pride that a child experiences when he does something on their own. Thus, self-esteem is dependent on the successful implementation of the child of some jobs. In other words, it allows you to quote their own actions, dividing them into useful and useless.
Extend yourself. From about 4-6 years of age, the human proprium is developing by expanding the boundaries of "myself." According to Allport, children gain this experience as they begin to realize that they belong not only to their own physical body, but also some significant elements of the world around them, including humans. With globalization or integration into a single system, the collective intelligence, will see growth opportunities of each, and hence the expansion of the individual as such.
The image itself. The fifth form proprium starts to develop somewhere in the age of five or six years. This is the time when a child begins to learn what is expected of parents, relatives, teachers, and other people, how they want it to be. During this period the child begins to understand the difference between "I'm good" and "I'm bad". Yet, the child has no sufficiently developed consciousness, no idea what it will be when it becomes an adult. We do not know what will become, began to live in a different form, this issue is beyond comprehension.
Good governance is. Between six and 12 years, the child begins to understand that he is able to find rational solutions to life's problems and deal effectively with the demands of reality. It appears reflective thinking and formal, and the child begins to think about the process of thinking. But he still did not trust myself enough to be morally independent; rather, he dogmatically believes that his family, religion, and peer groups are always right. This stage of development reflects strong proprium conformism, moral and social obedience. What will happen when the first phase of globalization and integration in a mental system
Personal desire. Allport argued that the central problem for a teenager - the choice of a career or other life goals (Allport, 1961). The teenager knows that the future should be planned, and in this sense it acquires feeling, which is quite absent in childhood. Posing in front of a long-term goals, perseverance in the search for ways to resolve the identified problems, a sense that life has meaning - this is the essence of personal aspirations. This will be subject to us, at the stage of a mature existence as a post people.
In addition to the above aspects of the first seven proprium, Allport suggested one - self-knowledge (Allport, 1961). He argued that this aspect is above all the others and synthesizes them. According to him, the knowledge itself is a subjective side I'm aware of that objective I At the final stage of its development proprium correlated with unique ability of man to self-knowledge and self-realization. Actually, the development of man as singular.

Actually, we are now only standing at the threshold of development. Transfer phased older man since childhood, it is the present state of affairs. We have children who want to grow up, who already began to play dangerous toys, but many risks and children to die without knowing the delights and disappointments of adulthood.


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