The evolution of mankind

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Be proud

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Man - it sounds good. No one disputes that status. Evidence of human excellence - more than palpable. They are clear, specific and confirmed by years of evolution. Q in the other. Are we worthy to be called human beings?
We are not born a man. We are born with a small body, which begins to actively explore the world and reaching out to all new and unusual. We are not as clean as paper and one of us can not sculpt anything. With certain predispositions, considering the influence of society and the environment, we are forming. We choose the orientation behavior, tastes, reactions. We enrich the knowledge and use them. But to what end?
For what purpose we use the resources that produce life? For what do we live? Buy one inch monitor on more? Buy a new phone model? Buy a car more than a neighbor? And in between these steps, we live in a curtained world, guided by a thin ray of light. Culture has ceased to be such. Religion does not satisfy our requests. Happiness was elusive and vague, and this we know it only in short hours of oblivion, called dreams.
Can we call ourselves human? Are we worthy of it? And in what manifests humanity? In fairness? The mercy? The opportunity to create and build? Nobody can give a sure answer to these questions. No one can decide for us what the true purpose of man on this planet.
We can not be proud of themselves, having no achievements. We need to reinforce the status of certain actions or objects. And nobody, nobody in the world has the right to argue with us, if we do not improve it themselves.
We have already witnessed the "Messiah of humanity." We not watched the leaders who fought the war, and in the name of cleaning the planet. But where now these leaders? Where is their heritage and accomplishments? All that was built on the blood, gradually turns into dust, or is impaired by a pragmatic view of tourists.
If we want a better world, we must demonstrate by example. Laid out in full, go to the records, to present itself as a truly valuable resource. And that's when we can become human beings. That this manifests human nature. Do not in ruins and a torchlight procession, not a high-profile wars and senseless bloodshed. In creation, creation, improvement. Destruction permissible if give a guarantee of new achievements. But otherwise, we will only repeat the course of history.
The ideological war is not winning weapon. We can not fight like animals in situations where the human mind and behavior. Death has long been a subject of manipulation and can impart people the ability to not be afraid of it. In general, much can instill as friends, colleagues and himself. So why can not it be honor, nobility and dignity? Why we return to an animal state, instead of what would have to move on? Evolution - a lot of strengths.
The answer is too simple and tough for hypocrisy and lies. Who is able to evolve - will take place in the new era. Those who can not - will go into the ground, dear joy, carelessness and satiety. In the end, once we predetermine lifetime. And only we are responsible for its finale.


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