of us has a choice. Often, it is the choice decides our future activities. It
is in the selection, in such, entered into human existence as it is. The choice
will allow for evolution and consolidated its mechanisms. We have always stood
on the threshold of revolutionary methods, always chose - to change or not. And
we always choose the former. Who chose the second - died, because he was not
able to survive. Obsolete mechanisms, laws, rules - do not pass inspection, on
life support. They collapsed, taking away supporters, and left nothing but a
bitter glory ...
world singularity that constantly generates new conditions of life and new
components. The different scales, in different cases and combinations - but
they haunt us. Every day can be repeated in the general algorithm, but with
different details. Or vice versa - the details may be the same but we have
different interact with them.
we draw a comparison with something obvious, but people like a blacksmith
blank. We are thrown into the water, which would rust has consumed impurities.
After - tempered in the furnace and hit with a hammer, giving the necessary
form. The only difference is that we are at the same time play the role of a
workpiece, and a blacksmith. After all, only people endowed with such a
specific feature such as freedom of the will.
operates on algorithms. Instinct, in itself, is also an algorithm. Accordingly,
the reaction to the stimulus. Living on instincts, we copy the work of
machines, which do not want to be like. The ability to activate or keep
instincts at the right time - that's what it means to be human. To be able to
change themselves to adapt to the circumstances, or to change them for the sake
of itself. This is the main feature. It defines us as a people.
we go with the flow, listen to public opinion, let control us - we are still
animals. We did not generate, did not create, we create ... not often, we just
consume information and products, and in return give - monotonous actions that
could perform robots.
brings us to the next "filter", which will pass through only one.
Those who are more fit, daring and desperate. Anyone who can transcend
themselves and change. Through the pain, misunderstanding, ridicule, we make a
breakthrough and become something more. Trust in the "I am real",
"I do not want to change the body" - it's like to defend the ideology
of the Middle Ages, if not the antiquity. It has long been proven that we are a
"unit" structure. billions of bacteria and microorganisms living in
our body. Our body is changed depending on the food, activity, life process. We
do not remain constant. We change every day, but it happens unconsciously and,
moreover, often does not depend on us.
that we can change it if you do not take control, then under careful
observation. Independently adjust the body, running it on promising vectors of
now, currently paving the way for the future.
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