creates order in his ideas. We work with the mass of resources and outstanding
products, which must meet as many needs as possible. But we remain conditional
lazy creatures. Every time something new issue - too expensive. And that is why
the body produces some algorithms behavior to save energy. These algorithms
work as inconscient level (instincts, metabolism, internal organs) and are
taken under the control of the human mind (tie with a bad habit to start early
to get up, go to the gym).
try to automate all aspects of life. Starting from behavioral mechanisms
(brushing teeth, routes to work) and ending with social interaction
(communication, compliments, behavioral roles). And such automation is a
natural and normal.
we do not want to be limited to what is associated only with our body. We
organize the space around them, change the world and bring your order to him.
Factories stop using people person replaces the machine where it may be
replaced. Moreover, the robots do not wish to take up our positions, they are
implemented by and for people. After all, if the construction team is several
tens of thousands for a single work, a 3D printer that allows you to build a
house, it can build more houses for the same amount. Moreover, the remaining
unemployed people start to panic, as it was the only kind of their earnings.
But nothing prevents them to get a new education and apply for another job. A
more secure, appropriate human status.
world enters into our lives, and we are happy to use its benefits. We accustom
ourselves to live on algorithms, to improve both them and themselves, in their
use. The habits and skills - useful element of evolution. We release more time,
acting on a schedule. Improve ergonomics and its own efficiency. So, what we
spend free time - is another question.
is there a negative side of "automation". As such - it is not. It is
the use of nuclear energy. Someone is building nuclear power plants, and some -
the nuclear bomb. Certain mechanisms of automation - create our bad habits,
learn new interfere, canned behavior and seek to preserve our homeostasis. At
least, this happens when we allow it to happen.
- extremely convenient, tactical tool. If you exaggerate, the instinct - it is
a strategy of the organism. Instinct life - a strategy to make their mark in
the world. Intelligence allows us to choose the nature of the track: the desire
for eternal life, the creation of the child, the creation of a scientific
concept, invention or hobby number of sexual acts and nothing more ... With the
mind, we can control themselves in this or that situation, time suppressing
action, or allowing him to happen at a given algorithm.
will not turn out - to be constantly biochemical machine. Ignore the natural
desire and try to abandon stereotypes - too. What is the result? We can use
their strengths, work on weaknesses and for what? In order to achieve certain
goals, the importance of which each of us chooses.
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