The evolution of mankind

Monday, September 26, 2016

Next to us

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The world offers options for development. A person uses the ones that are as close as possible and convenient to use. We choose what best suits our situation and the result is to change ourselves, as individuals. Our desires determine the development. And areas of interest, in terms of scientific and technological progress - is extremely broad.
Today in the world there are communities, flatly refused by civilized life. Those who see only evil and threat technologies. But in contrast to speak art fans who are ready to change themselves, not only to improve, but to distinguish it from the gray mass.
The same progress giving more opportunities to emphasize the individual and personal characteristics. We are developing and improving, create in your imagination its worlds, embodying them in practice. And these worlds exist in parallel to many, since each has its own point of view, your view of the world, and resources that speak in favor of his opinion. We can create as something destructive, and infinitely beautiful. And what will be the result of activity - always choose for ourselves.


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