The evolution of mankind

Thursday, September 22, 2016

The end

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Man ceases to be the creature, which is several thousand years ago. We have outgrown the condition of obedience and conformity. If we trace the course of history, it has never been a person did not have such a wide range of possibilities. We steadily growing and developing, improving and gaining more and more freedoms. Governments do not have time to stay ahead of singles that use specific resources in order to achieve radical goals.
But who said that radicalism is a bad thing? In the particular case - yes. The man is too rigid and cannot adapt to changes in the environment. But acting on the wear, laying on a limit of forces, he achieves new achievements for mankind.
History lone geniuses, who only moved their own world for the better, become natural in the framework of the current realities. And the person ceases to be a natural being, because in addition to the world of "nature" to affect us the fruits of science and technology. We become creatures of men raised in the synthesis of organic and mechanics. And we are free to choose: to abandon the proposed fruit, or based on their complete evolution. And no one will make the choice for us.


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