We have
already touched on themes of globalization and the reunification of the people
in one society. This process is inevitable, as the company with a single
purpose and coordinated movement, better than the society in which promoted
several different vector ideas.
of people can be traced in futurology, such as the terms of the noosphere and
nanomedicine. If the noosphere is more or less clear, how nano-robots are able
to integrate people?
evolution, people learned not only to develop the body, but also to manage it.
We know of dozens of different muscle groups. Experienced athletes (or yoga)
can correctly reduce the necessary muscles that have evidence of concentration
and well-functioning nervous system.
will give us the ability t o consciously manage not only muscles, but also
individual molecules, or even atoms of our bodies. Interesting stuff on this
topic is presented in the books of the writer Yuri Nikitin "Tower 2",
"The Man with the ax", "Post man."
Thus it is
possible to communicate not only between the nano-robots of the body, but also
of individual organisms as a whole. However, many are afraid of totalitarianism
and the mass use of the potential of people in the interests of one man. This
is not true. It is much easier to integrate mind, asking them a common goal, a
common idea. Then, a resource that is spent on maintaining control and
containment of people will be used with higher efficiency. If slavery was more
economically advantageous than the current system of resource extraction \ provision
labor, we would have lived, according to the laws of ancient times.
of mankind is possible with an equivalent level of technology, morality,
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