The evolution of mankind

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Proto organs as a part of our life

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One of the main fears, because of which the person is afraid of the future, associated with artificial organs, prostheses and artificial life. Even today there are people that are fighting against the piercing, tattoos and even hair length and shape of hair. For them, the human body - is sacred, and modify it, this terrible crime against nature, morality, God, etc.
Another part of the people has a negative attitude to the artificial intervention, because it is clear, defiant, provocative. At the same time, they enjoy themselves unconsciously prostheses. And do not put them in somewhere, often right in the skull. The same fillings, crowns, artificial eye crystalline lenses, lens. Those earrings - intervention in the human nature.
But these interventions are not a full replacement, or the creation of new bodies. The same seal - this is not a replacement jaw and a patch on the tooth. The lens does not change the eye, but only adjusts the picture.
Our present bodies become quite mundane objects. Smartphones, PCs, laptops. The man that used to use their personal device, knows him as yourself. He knows how it works, how much time is spent downloading, response time delay of the sensor and so on.
Now the market is moving smart watches. I myself use a player that can be worn on the arm. And in 4 years so accustomed to it that the way out of the house without it causes discomfort. Sami smart watches - this is the first prototypes, which are "run in" customers. For a couple of years it will be pulled up interface functionality and capacity of the battery.
As mentioned in previous articles, electronics become smaller in size. Yes, the man is difficult to use something artificial when the subject attracts attention. Reduce it, make it invisible eye, and people stand in line.
Proto bodies is with you our smart phones, headphones even cars. (Experienced driver feels their vehicles as himself). Artificial items come into our lives and stay. Making it easier, of full value, brighter.


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