The evolution of mankind

Monday, July 27, 2015

Trans person theories (Part 5)

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The final component of the analytic theory of Carl Jung.
The deepest layer in the structure of personality, Jung singled out this component as a collective unconscious. The collective unconscious is a repository of latent memory traces of humanity and even our anthropoid ancestors. It reflects the thoughts and feelings that are common to all human beings and is the result of our common emotional past. As Jung himself said, "in the collective unconscious contains all the spiritual heritage of human evolution, revived in the brain structure of every individual" (Campbell, 1971). Thus, the contents of the collective unconscious of heredity and develops due equally to all mankind. If you visualize the components of personality, we get the following picture:
1. Purely my memories and experiences
2. Memories of my ancestors
3. The memory of all mankind
When referring to the last component, the question arises: "How can I prove this fact?". Jung builds for it the following system archetypes.
Archetypes. Jung conjectured that the collective unconscious consists of powerful primary mental images, the so-called archetypes (literally, "the primary models") (Jung, 1968). Archetypes - innate ideas or memories that predispose people to perceive, to experience and respond to events in a certain way. In fact, it's not memories or images as such, but rather, it is the predisposing factors that influence the people show in their behavior universal models of perception, thinking and acting in response to an object or event. Inherent here is precisely the tendency to react emotionally, mentally and physically to specific situations - for example, if an unexpected collision with his parents, a loved one, a stranger, with a snake or death.
In other words, it is certain the installation of our behavior according to which we act in this situation.

Curiosity is the fact that Jung considers humanity as a single entity, with the overall system. It is assumed that the Singularity, one of its objectives, puts the integration of individuals into one community. The same noosphere, or the existence of electronic, will allow us to be synthesized with the aim of better use of resources and effective achievement of the objectives.


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