The evolution of mankind

Sunday, March 13, 2016

From human

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Trans-humanism considers man as a material. Material for something bigger, more valuable, better and more perfect than what we are. Man is descended from other species, developed and perfected, acquiring new properties and abilities, getting rid of atavism. But how far can we go, moving forward? Much more than we can imagine today.
For a hundred years, people learned to fly, went into space and was able to reach out to other planets. And this is only the beginning of our expansion. The man declares his status, proudly striding along the road of evolution, but we can not save all that is present in our lives. We grow up, and have to give up all that is out of date and becomes superfluous in life post-human.
The classic phrase: «Deus ex machina» affirms that God (as something perfect) results from mechanical, complicated, artificial. But who creates this "artificial"? And why the creators of "God" can not take him his power? After all, it is this and engaged people throughout the entire history of its existence. We build and create, to reshape the natural world, adjusting it to fit your guidelines, rationalizing space. We act as an architect building a house for himself. And, sooner or later, we will live in it. The technique that we are creating here is closely integrated with our world. Moreover, we naturally perceive her presence in his life. Our phones have become something more than commutates when drive the car, we literally "feel" of its dimensions, merging into a single entity. Our clothes, information space, all artificial, it is our part.
If there is something great and will be created, then only human. By what - is another question. But we have a predisposition to any that would change not only the outside world but also themselves. And when it comes to continuous improvement that will be the end product?
Post-human exists in many philosophical, and other theistic conceptions. Somewhere, it's fixed specimen with infinite knowledge, or one of many living organisms, existing with them in perfect harmony. This can be a cyborg or a clot of force fields. But initially, it's all the same person.
Of ourselves, we are building something unique, great and perfect. If we do not make an effort in this process, the result will be outstanding. But, if we are working on a competently - and the fruits obtained excellent.
New species, closely related to the singularity can occur because of human, mutated, trans-humane. And can turn biomass, which is the purpose of existence, sees constant pursuit of pleasure and benefits in exchange for their own defecation products.
To become more than that, is not inherent in the genes are not "destined". It is our choice. Personal choice. And the future of anyone who was born or will be born in this universe from him. Ultimately, whatever the incentive or the initial reaction of the body, the last word is always the voice of reason.


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