The evolution of mankind

Saturday, March 12, 2016

The transcendental value

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What are we willing to appreciate more than anything else? Money, time, and Recreation? All of this is losing weight when in the world there is no us. When we do not live. That's life allows us to fully enjoy the benefits of the world. Undoubtedly, any living creature appreciates it. Without this impossible or evolution or whatever else. Many simply have no values ​​(eg, time) if there were not those who are able to perceive them. And we are only passing status of a person, we have only recently begun to realize what is really valuable. Moving to the utopia (which exists in the minds of each of us), we not only improve our lives (through the prism of its constituent elements), but the whole world around. As an example: someone appreciates health for what would always carry out the tasks as efficiently as possible. Valuing health, man explores all the associated health field. Matches techniques, foods, and vitamins. As a result - he develops and shares knowledge with others.
Immortalism, Transhumanism, technogainism - continue to develop humanity in its true sense. The value of a person who claims to quality. Who develops their confidence and help develop others. After all, each of us lives in a society, interacting with dozens of representatives of their own species. We "let in" the people in your world. Each of them ascribe to a certain position and seek advice in certain situations. Or let them use us if have enough resources. Thus, we begin to appreciate not only what they do, but also to themselves. With all the disadvantages that might annoy us.
No animal cultivated "death" as a person. We have created a variety of rituals, burial methods, systems, and will conduct with those who suffered a terrible fate. Only human characteristic is the careful attitude not only to the relatives, but also to the people whom we have not met. Yes, this may be a false expression of emotion, and insincere "for show". But the culture makes us demonstrate this.
We aim to resolve conflicts, looking for ways to avoid victims, help those who need us. Pay attention to the hospital for incubators for premature infants, on the percentage of surviving when there was no chance of escape. We give life to the people, even without considering the consequences. We do not want even to mentally ask yourself this question, because the answer is terrible.
Medications difficult to treat those who have diabetes, AIDS, organ damage or problems with mental development. Eliminating minor injuries (after the heroic rescue) is much more difficult, frightening and requires a hundred times more effort, depending not only on doctors, but also by the patients themselves. Accordingly, these cases require literally radical intervention. Gene changes, DNA manipulations, work with the brain ... And here, our humanity turns against the desired goal. We begin to talk about human uniqueness. With the intervention of all "hurt" the person, simply by changing it.
You can not always be in white. We will have to take responsibility, to change people, even against their will, leaving in the dark. After all, a person may at any moment to commit suicide or inflict self brutal damage. But to become a capable, full - much more difficult.
Sooner or later, we will come to the right to self-interference in the human body, in order to improve the latter. For it is a rational and evolutionary justified.
The value of a full life there is no substitute. No eternal happiness nor life maintenance on the neck sponsors and sentimental citizens. Society desperately needs those who are willing to develop it and improve. And having the means to do so - it is silly not to use them.


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