The evolution of mankind

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Dash civility

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Fate. Fetish of many religions, beliefs, lifestyles and life principles. Easy explanation for everything that surrounds us, not giving any real answer. Many questions can be easily neutralize, referring to some "force of the universe" that is free to dispose of us as she pleases. This, in turn, raises a number of questions that simply remain unanswered. And so it went, until the person has not appeared freedom of choice.
Pay attention to all the pagan religion of ancient ages. Man is only considered as an object of divine powers and could not do anything, but only to follow his destiny. Why was it made? Because there was the slave system, and it was necessary to find an explanation why all this way and not otherwise. The ideological basis allowed to refer to some religious authorities, and to follow the commandments which have been taken for all the people of a particular society.
Later, in the Middle Ages, the fate factor was universally leveled. Anyone can dial a dozen people, and equip them to rob convoys. Later - to increase the gang, to settle in the forest, to strengthen asylum and gradually develop it further until a complete build a fortress. Let a small but its own. Moreover, the relationship of slave system was replaced by the interaction of different castes. The villagers obeyed the feudal lords, but did not do it because it threatened their "employer". On the contrary, he gave them protection from the various ills, ranging from thieves attacks and ending certain disaster. In the attack, fire, disease - people walking or in a forest or in the city. But it is in the city provided them with supplies (albeit small) and allowed to ride out the "crisis" in relative safety.
The system of relations passed from the slave to the status (vassals, suzerain dynasty), later transformed into the clan and then in the class and has survived until today, maintaining its purpose. Namely - competent management of people. Here are just now is a more advanced system, which previously could only dream of. Social elevators.
Anyone (ideally) if it is to work hard, work diligently and perform tasks - is an opportunity to grow, with new benefits and opportunities. Already there is no "purpose" or pre-painted "fate". No "clans" in their original form. Yes, there are some groups specializing in specific activities, but they have already taken their niches and are quite happy with the circumstances.
Mankind developed and unified. And every member can apply for any role that will only be to his taste and according to his ability. Society, accustomed to consume, already provides questions that are difficult to track, understand and express. This happens most often spontaneously or as a result of a confluence of circumstances.
The ability to be anything, to express themselves, to unlock the potential - that the criterion of civilization of our time. Yes, we are deprived "parent" who followed us, but this loss can easily compensate for the security services, ubiquitous surveillance cameras and monitoring Internet traffic. And no one forbids us to borrow, thereby redistributing the possibility of life.
Being self-sufficient and to look for happiness in the inconstancy and risk, or to be firmly confident in the future ... Each chooses a convenient option. A choice, is not the basis of a civilized democracy?


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