has the task in the expansion of human capabilities through the use of science.
We are not the final stage of evolution. We just have to go faceting, and
become a diamond. But the road to the final result may be somewhat closer than
it seems. That's just whether we can achieve this while still alive? Do we have
the capacity, in spite of the difficulties, hardships, between ages and
interests - to achieve the dream?
is what the human race, it is the construction of the tower. Yes, no matter how
prosaic it may sound, but we're really building a "tower". A project
that is beyond the power of any of us. Alone - we risk only to die, but did not
do the trick. And only together, together we can drain the oceans, to turn the
desert into megacities, and push the possibilities to change the world.
history, the myth, the legend of Babylon, this retelling of the reverse of what
we have today. The world is moving steadily towards globalization, destroying
borders, mixing of people and creating a new culture and values. We are
integrating into one society and the increasing speed only contribute to this.
build the Tower of Babel. Not all. But a certain part of humanity, which is
able to find a common language, which is able to generate ideas and translate
them into reality. What is this project? A kind of utopia (in the eyes of
some), the Kingdom of Heaven, the world equal to or something that transcends
man. But that would be unitary and create something suitable for everyone, we
have to master one of the most important properties of a person. The property
have a global analogue of the world - a global digital network. Each of us use
the Internet, leaving spaces of their opinions, viewpoints, orientations and
values. There we learn to live with each other. They tested a variety of styles
of social systems from private forums, to frivolous chats without rules. But in
all this there is a process, which scientists have dreamed of the last century.
We integrate our minds into one. We buy certain traits and characteristics that
are specific to the users progress products. Living the digital age, we are
fully enjoy it. And as a consequence - are changing themselves under their
person is unable to create a religion. But a couple of dozen, surely will lead
to a broader ideology level. Of course, this was typical of the last century.
Now everyone can talk and listen. And he said to him, listens to him, the whole
world. If only able to find a voice among the colorful signage and trash
have no need for the amount of information. Now we pursue quality. Filter the
sources block the objectionable content. Man learns to interact in a world
where information is the only resource. What depends on it?
will determine how quickly we come to a single norm and order. How quickly will
remove the borders that exist in the imagination and made the bold lines on
maps. How to quickly establish a connection with each person, and mutually
recognize the other as a people if they behave like human beings.
total potential of human intelligence - a powerful, brilliant, magnificent. We
can use it for what would destroy each other more sophisticated. And we can
open the way to new worlds, to change the universe and ourselves as well. With
this noble?
is this - more humane?
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