The evolution of mankind

Saturday, April 16, 2016


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The darkest hour is always just before dawn. And now we are enjoying a slight glow that rises above the horizon. Humanity is too long went to what is now cautiously called "freedom", though not fully understand why this is. We found ourselves in a situation where the choice is much greater than our capacity to implement it. We have too many can afford, but we have to give up opportunities. Yes, a person is unified, learning to perform a single function. But evolution requires us flexibility, variability, lability. And the world - allows us to do this.
The world is a display of our minds the real picture. Yes, in the world there are incentives and objective reasons. Yes, they can cause us certain feelings and emotions. But the consequences of these feelings - the person responsible. We are ready to do it or not - we have no one asks. In fact, we find ourselves faced with a choice: to take a picture of the world be what it would like to see, or to work on yourself and modify it by virtue of their aspirations and goals. And to give the correct answer, the situation is extremely difficult.
Undoubtedly, sometimes "our" interests and "the body" are the same. This is justified in situations when it comes to meeting the physiological needs. But again, it all depends on the way we will meet them. Will we sleep when tired, or would prefer to spend a few hours on the Internet or looking at TV? At the time of the famine, we will prefer healthy food, or the one that seems more delicious? Everything depends on the power of consciousness.
Brain, unique device allows you to control how the body and our behavior. Thanks to it, we can make conscious decisions, which is what makes us human. Choosing what to use in our lives, and why.
Each possibility disappears as soon as the coming out of our focus areas. The peculiarity is that they are implemented at the respective supply resources. The more resources we have, "pour", the greater the rate of return.
Our consciousness, motivation, social relevance - are the basis for everything. And at every stage of the product formation, we will have put an increasing amount of resources (time, effort, money). World subjective and depends on who and how it looks at the components. A unique experience, unique knowledge - all these "lenses" through which one sees only what he wants to see.
Some things are hard to distort or ignore. Others - quite easy to miss a step away from you. But we, and we alone, are the heads of their lives. We have to decide what, how and when to do it. Meanwhile, we make the choice, not because free. We do this because we are deprived of freedom. And we can continue to hide in the primitive shell that rot in a short period. And you can try to expand the world. Having become something more than a man.
What exactly? Decide only to you.


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