The evolution of mankind

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Singularity is not the limit

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Man - ambitious, curious and the best creature in the universe. In favor of the former says the increasing pace of technological progress. In favor of the second - the spectrum of all that has introduced, upgraded and developed people. A third characteristic is quite proved evolution. But for how long we will remain only men? Will something more, and if we can continue to grow, improving and developing? Is there any limit to the people?
Today is supposed to, there are two versions of events. Man will disappear as a species. Global catastrophe for any reason, not just demonstrated in books, movies, games. The kind that will disappear from the face of the earth, will automatically be considered (although it is not clear by whom) as the one that has reached its peak.
The second option - a natural transition from one form to another, in the long years of evolution. Just a few million years, modified body and the countless victims of the fallen for the sake of becoming a perfect view.
The third option - the technological singularity. The point at which an increase in computing power will be several times greater than the natural unit of time for a person. The point at which the synthesis of man and machine, will become something commonplace. Something that easily allow infinitely develop our capabilities. And at this very moment humanity would cease to be. Just because it goes on and thanks to the opportunities - will surpass the previous view. Of course, there will be those people who refuse to change. Due to various reasons. Whoever goes on, will discover the opportunities available to us now only as myths. Immortality, invulnerability, powerful intellect, a great perception. But this coveted resources for us.
What would be ideal for those we believe the gods?
Outside of our understanding of the world is always something to be still. Something more perfect, better. Ability to manage every atom in the body, may seem ridiculous for someone who manipulates neutrons.
We know too little about the world. Yes, we try to use it, try to understand more, to jump on ... We have certain needs and dreams of who or what we could become...
So far, we can not think of a limit of perfection. But who knows, maybe we have the most perfect. Or, at least, we can become them.


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