Нuman position has never been unambiguous. For a brief moment, we remained steadfast, stable, confident. In an instant, the world froze around us and a distinctive color scheme, arguing that our attitude towards it. A moment of happiness or joy, hatred or sorrow. Anything, everything that we can experience. Each of us felt the same emotion, like many other people on earth. It brings us together, makes empathy and gives "common touch." Is the role of the individual is important in such a huge body as humanity? After all, the same response, the same feeling, and we act - the same way.
A man walks the path of development that is common to other members of their species. Psychology is not just described, to predict, analyze and synthesize the general data on how the human body grows. As, in accordance with the growth, changing the mentality of the body. Changing personality.
We are a unique value, being alone. That alone can contrast our qualities and characteristics. We can be happy and radically harsh, careless, or terribly intelligent. But this is only until the pot while we remain ourselves.
Society seamlessly blurs the distinction. Leveled by the same values, and instead provides other. And we understand that. We understand and use, to the best of their abilities. Moreover, we can not just use all the settings and rules. We can simulate the activity. To create the illusion for the sake of their own interests and do things that really attracted us. But there is no perfect illusion. Once we create visibility, it becomes part of us. We want to appear rude - should behave rudely. We want to be beautiful - change the attributes of appearance or behavior.
Humanity is very flexible body, completely devoid of the nervous system. But we stubbornly cultivate it, ensuring each and every product, binding us together. We avoid natural abilities - to recognize each other by smell, voice. Natural ways to communicate, too primitive for such huge populations, like people.
We introduce the technology. We ensure the progress and paving the link where the pass. We become united, global and indivisible. Erase racial prejudice, ethnic characteristics, and national symbols. We merge into one company.
Can we survive it as individuals - we can. The only question is - why?
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