landmarks - the most harmful to human. All that does not tend to seek the
truth, confident that he was right and unprincipled - risks being false. The
man is still limited in the perception and knowledge, which would see the true
picture of the world. We can only contemplate some of its tone, to look into
silhouettes, but we can not affirm the truth of anything. Getting stuck on a
certain belief, we are trying in every way to embellish it, thus - are issued
for real. Downplays disadvantages, cultivate and highlight only the bright
side. And this only leads to waste of resources, released on false hopes.
appreciate the truth of this or that opinion, on the basis only of its
attractiveness, this is equivalent to what would be considered the result of
fatigue. Something is true not only because it attracts people. Otherwise, we
would have to appreciate the air we breathe. In every possible way to decorate
it, recruit skaters in the bulb, creating its culture of consumption. All that
is the basis, as close to the truth, is not trying to draw attention to
themselves. These subjects, ideas, principles - just enough to exist. After
all, without them there would be no peace that we contemplate around. Moreover
there is a paradox that defines the most fundamental things, the least in need
of proof.
we are trying to convince someone or something to prove - we spend on this
strength. Instead, it would burn to the secondary signs and labels, we could
spend the same forces on something useful. For example, for the purchase of
what we are trying to simulate. Instead of having to invent idols and false
gods, it is possible most to strive for a higher state of being. Of course, it
is not easy to achieve, but when difficulties stopped motivated person?
the aim of realizing ways to achieve it, we are reducing by half its way. We
aspire to success, in spite of difficulties and obstacles, ignoring the pain
and fatigue. We work wear, that would be better.
scars and bruises - are not the result, and do not talk about labor
productivity. This minor signs of successfully completed cases. Navigate to
them - to block oxygen, their dreams and aspirations. Yes, people with scars is
more resistant. But a true professional does not allow himself to get injured.
We may be wrong, we can go wrong roads, and realized it - to change direction.
the distance traveled is not measured steps, and reward at the end of it. For
what we are moving? For what we rise each day? And if we can not answer this
question, it is time to reflect on the cost of their lives.
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