The evolution of mankind

Monday, February 8, 2016

Training of personality

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Loads and proper recovery, this is what lies at the heart of nurturing a competent person. We regularly succumb to the effects of the external environment. Learn how to properly respond to the stimuli received, and thus adapt to them. This is how evolution operates, through constant injuries and splicing - ensures the survival of only the best views. The principles laid down in the human body, can be used at work and with his mind, moreover, the human psyche is developed simultaneously with his body. The more perfect we become, the closer socialized - the more amenable to change the perception of the world. It was divided, integrated, synthesized. On the basis of the experience, the knowledge gained - we cultivated ourselves, perfecting not only as a species.
Social interaction - an important element of evolution. Without communicating with other people - we will not be able to fully evaluate themselves. We are not adapted to living beings, which are dependent only on the body's natural abilities. Our psyche, culture, education - will be incomplete. Yes, independence and loneliness - are extremely important. It is the experience of these states, allowing competently to overestimate and rethink life. Loneliness is important to change the reference point for rethinking something. But for the formation of the person, as a long process, it can be devastating.
Man is weak and likes to rest, relaxation and enjoyment. In this case, when he was alone with them, we find too little incentive for development. Moreover, the external environment is increasingly the source of stimulus from people and not from some specific, natural factors. It is people who stimulate our activity. We focus on achieving them, grasp the laws of fashion, opinions and values. Society puts before us a lot more purposes than we can reach. But thus achieving one of them, to a greater extent than the surrounding members, and shows the status of the power of the one who reached.
Personality training in the proper satisfaction of one or more requests that come from any source. They can be ourselves, our bodies, the environment or nature. We train ourselves, when we do something that does not want to, but we can do. When exactly this thing - brings us a certain advantage. And that's when we become something more than a simple biological mechanism.
To be able to withstand the short-term desires. To be able to bring himself to go through clenched teeth. It also is a bright characteristic of who that person.


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