The evolution of mankind

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Who benefits

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Nothing exists for a reason. Always, at the heart of any action, event or process, is a specific reason. Where some see coincidence - other trace pattern. Where evident coincidence - it can be seen the effect. The world is linked more closely than it may seem, because it paves the people in it path. That man "reduced" land, reduced distance - paving roads and raising the quality level, opening the way for dreams to the stars. Man changes the world, based on the needs of different levels. The desire not to die of hunger, contributes to plowing the land. The desire to remain great forever - pushing for a global change, such as the erection of the pyramids or the enormous Colossi. And maybe the creation of the mind over and something more than a man ...
Technologies are evolving, and to deny it - deliberately exclude themselves from evolution. We strive not only to improve the world. We dare to rule what was called the "crown of creation." That was declared "untouchable" because of the fragility of his nature. But the years go by. Technology shrinks, operations that were previously carried out in incredible conditions - are partial and transient. Our nature is still flexible, and we modify it. What for? Then we changed favorably.
We have not yet matured, have not reached the peak of its potential. What we own now - is equivalent to the wealth of medieval barons. Grits for which eagerly enough, and can not say goodbye to them. Bast shoes and clamps the twenty-first century. What is now positioned as a masterpiece of the industry and progress peak - it turns to dust in a month. And that's fine. On the market there is a quality product. The quantitative ratio of the saturation of the world of computer technology - has stepped over the number of people in the last year. Technicians have more than us, and our synthesis with it is becoming more tangible.
Some oppose because it can no longer adapt to the new items. Someone volunteered out of the way, but there are those who crave more. Why? Because their goals are more ambitious than the goals of their loved ones. Do not monitor more than the previous an inch or two. Not a new motorcycle model, phone, computer ... All this - the last century. We long for that technology, which will allow us to change. Perfect vision, absolute pitch, a powerful brain ... What was not given birth to any man. That can not be developed beyond the narrow limits of human, because it would not be humane ...
Each of us is advantageous development of technology and science. Everyone can take from it whatever he wants. But if we use the "fire of the gods"? Do we have the courage and dignity?

Answer - each gives himself.


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