The evolution of mankind

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Accelerators of progress

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Science and technology - pushed the world into the glorious future, created by man. Based on curiosity, aspirations and expectations, we strive to outdo themselves, that would once again reach out his hand to the edge of reality. Man continues to create not only for concrete labor remuneration, but also because of other reasons, which may be no less important. Starting with the basic satisfaction of the instincts and ending the need for self-expression.
Pure science will never support force - itself. Required number of parameters, including: pop, fashion, culture and ideology - that somehow will promote the development of science. Popularization of not only its products, but also as a process, the meaning of life and personal ideals. And these elements are more and more (quantitative) in the world.
But here we are faced with another obstacle. Science popularized in movies, TV shows, games. Technological progress is praised in the culture, but not he alone. Mass movements of other, neutral or aggressive - continue to affect the world in general. Media equally redistribute the information resources, and each niche replenished relatively evenly. The proportions of the amount of information on the progress continue to "stagnate" not having the strength to move forward.
Perhaps this is due to the very mindset of those who has a direct relationship to progress. Those who are interested in the actual results, and not the tinsel that conceals or decorates them. The need for dry data, concrete facts, the results of sober - that moves those who are interested in the development. At the same time, this situation affects all sectors of activity in which we seek to live and grow. Ate someone is trying to pump up the large muscles, he will not pay attention to the color of clothing, beautiful or not beautiful bar, the weather outside the window ... He will come to the gym, run dry work and focus on the result. If anyone is interested in career growth (rapid, rapid) it will go to the head, not paying attention to what is beautiful or not.
So progress. He was not interested in morality, ethics, aesthetics, culture, social inequality and other factors. Science develops (still controlled, but not everywhere), and its fruits are directly threatened by changing everyday rules and regulations. But what if we no longer have to go against society? If you develop a competent ideology, to introduce or replay already adopted rules and regulations - we can create a unique environment for the prosperity and the movement in the future.
Steve Jobs has twice tried to create a high-tech product. Convenient, private, practical (in his opinion). But society was not ready to accept such claims. But it was necessary to wait, and in the wake of expectations to present exactly what everyone was waiting for, as the brand has become known to evolve rapidly, gaining a place in the world.
It should not just develop the technology, science and progress. It is necessary to attend to the culture, morals and norms of modern humans. Recognize what they want, or to decide for them, presenting versatile products. Otherwise, we run the risk of radical witness neo-ludditess that will seek to return society back to the cave.
Cultivating development, fertilizing them with the necessary elements that are important to society, we are building a ladder is not a utopia. But in something that is close to it.


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