The evolution of mankind

Monday, March 21, 2016


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Man often draws attention to the wall instead of what would have to look at the sails. Moreover, with this and related our lives. 10% of our state decides the situation in which we find ourselves. The remaining 90% - these are consequences of our actions. Exactly how we begin to react and therefore act in a particular case.
Barriers are building ourselves. Not someone restricts our ability. Not someone else's intentions, plans or solutions. We choose whom to allow to influence us, and to whom - not. And if we can not cope with this role, then blame the environment. This is absolutely normal and natural reaction. That's only if it is constructive? In general, the mechanisms by which we are "muted" or that stress ... How effective are they? After all, if our body is a "good" by nature, then why are there psychological and neurological problems? Why do people still can not cope alone with stress or difficult situations?
The fact is that nature is guided by only one thing - a quick result. If the stimulus is present - you need to quickly get rid of it. Burned - pulls back the hand, dropping a heavy object on the leg - a mother, seeing a threat - trying to avoid (if the mentality of "normal"). Quick solution to a complex problem. And these decisions the body can produce a great variety. But are they correct?
The disease can cause severe pain. And that is treated: a symptom or a cause? Mind is directed to the second. It does not matter to know the reason (it is too long how to understand and decide). By eliminating the symptom, we hope that reason will disappear by itself. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Yes, there are exceptions, but it is still the exception. The basic principles are focused on the most. It is unpleasant, is irrational, but, nevertheless, it is. And it is worth fighting for.
Barriers do not give us a solution to the problem. They are forced to focus attention on it, making it more a part of our lives. We begin to be able to the actual situation, and thus can not see out of it. The more immersed in the problem, the more it becomes a significant limiting the objective world. And then there is absolutely natural need - to move away from her. But we can not do because the problem is urgent and covers fully our world.
The ability to turn away, to learn to "move away" from the current states - is extremely difficult. It is difficult to learn how to stretch the muscles, but it is even more difficult - to learn to relax them. Yoga, meditation, relaxation of certain practices - help us to objectively look at the situation.
Barriers arise where we are moving. And the more intense we emphasize - the harder it will be from the blows. Stop, rethink the situation - sometimes imperative. Step back - two steps forward. It is difficult, long and unusually for our essence. But we must know how to use it, if committed to development.
Survival is not the strongest or the smartest. And the one who is most flexible and willing to adapt to new conditions.


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