The evolution of mankind

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Features of Informational Development

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Each of us is a social unit of society. The bottom line is that the interaction and the corresponding redistribution of roles is beneficial to humans. This allows us to develop, to improve not only themselves, but also the world. We pass phylogeny improving ourselves, with the help of the environment. It uses three hard mechanism - adaptation, mutation and rejection disabled. Nature is not harmonious, chaotic and spontaneous. Its mechanisms are not satisfied with us, and we are constantly striving to change them. To do this, we share information about methods of how to survive in the world. Thanks to them, we not only strengthen themselves, but also their loved ones. To some extent we influence, and to all humanity, but it is the effect - very little.
Peace requires all of us large amounts of information on more specific topics. We need a unique and useful products that can be used as comfortable as possible. And information can satisfy our requirements. But that would have to handle a lot of information, it needs constant monitoring (by the user) and a huge computational capacity to provide universal access to it.
Information can absorb in any form at the hearing, touch, touch, or (the most common option) visually. But this is not the limit of human capabilities. To date, this is not the only ways. Theoretically it is possible to train a person acting on the brain. And the way to a rapid assimilation of specific data - is just beginning.
Now the world is filled with drugs, to maintain physical fitness. A variety of sports supplements, food systems, techniques. Apart from them are nootropics, the meaning of which is, that would help a person to pick up and show in its entirety cognitive abilities.
Separately, there is a concept that the next stage of evolution (which accounts for 21) it will depend on the development of the human brain. The total coefficient of intelligence on the planet - will grow, driven by widespread access to databases of information and the wide possibilities of its use. Peak concentrations of genius yet to come, because every day more and more people get the opportunity to prove himself.
We should expect the inventions, brilliant and stunning. Magnificent achievements and honor a man as luminaries of science, reason and progress. Age of war (in their primitive form) will move away from day to day. Rationalism, civility, right and necessary morals will not be dictated by the nature of cruelty and humanism clear umbrella. Transhumanism, the fusion of man and machine, has already begun. We will only disclose wider potential, mind altering and improving the world. Would so go on and on? The near future - yes. And the future...
The future may be much more advanced.


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