The evolution of mankind

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Isolated systems

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What is artificial intelligence? We can not say exactly what it is, but we know that for which it is created. It is a system that perfectly cope with one goal - the calculation. But where it takes the data? Of course - from the outside. Of course, it is due to people who saturate it. System perfectly fulfills its function only because is protected from external influences. However, the maximum efficiency is achieved discipline. A discipline - is to cut off all that is unnecessary. Getting rid of rubbish, nonsense, everything that could hinder the development.
Isolated systems can effectively carry out specific tasks, but their "viability" sharply falls off in the real world. Of course, we can pass the resources to try to adjust to behave flexibly. But there is a certain feature. We, the people, there is some problem. Moreover, this aim is the basis of our life. Another question is - whether it is clear to us?
Stimulus is always a reason for our existence. It is difficult to determine the quality, quantity and potential is vital. It can be both constructive and destructive. But this does not take away the fact that he will be the main proofreader of our activities. And the number of stimuli determines the type of system. One type of incentive - and the system is isolated. It redistributes resources wisely. Maximum efficiency is easily achievable, absolute control and can actively use. But can such a system be a man? And is it worth doing it?
It is difficult to predict when it might be needed. On the other hand, this feature is extremely effective at a particular employment, when it comes to the production of a large number of options to a particular stimulus. Another thing, if we do not have to change themselves, but only to resort to outside help. Equivalent methods of nootropics, relaxing techniques, mood to work - we can use the technique to redistribute the building. Build powerful clusters that are synthesized in the brain, which will perform certain tasks with increased efficiency.
Create specific modules, with a narrow specialization and specific requirements. Something that will replace the jobs with the same efficiency as computers today. Separate systems for individual tasks. Efficient, powerful human brain, with a low percentage of erroneous actions.
A better future that we are creating today. For the best versions of ourselves.


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