human brain, an ordinary part of the body. Everyone, fully functional, is
somehow connected with the activities of this body. The device itself, on a
physiological level, really explore a simple way of modeling, the study of the
systems. You can create a model of the brain, using neural networks that are
based on computing clusters. Man is able to "teach" (program) such a
network, to perform specific tasks. Of course - this example is somewhat
exaggerated, and shows only the basic principles of artificial intelligence.
But the problem is not in modeling, creating, or copying parts of the brain.
The problem is how to make them work together.
of us is a kind of machine that works on chemical ingredients. Depending on the
level of a substance in the body, our behavior changes in the one direction or
another. Yes, no one has canceled the power of mind over the processes that
take place within us. But the power of consciousness is not absolute.
Freud erroneously admitted (and he himself refuted his work) the unconditional
power of the subconscious, in any type of human activity. As a materialist,
Freud pointed out that the body operates within the framework of "stimulus
- response" that characterizes it more like an animal than a man. But
later, the scientist found that exaggerated the importance of the role of
"animal" in human activities. Since psychology is trying not only to
deal with the behavior of a person, but also to understand the causes of
certain acts. In general - this can be done. But to achieve too slowly bring us
closer to the essence of the problem. The answer lies at the junction of
several sciences, and the question is: "how arranged the human
we use certain algorithms. Some of them are the "base." It's natural
instincts, we have obtained from nature. Part of the "algorithms" we
acquire in the course of life. But only the unique circumstances, a unique
experience and the environment, and create unique ways of thinking. The basic
principles can be inviolable. But certain characteristics appear more colorful,
gaining unique features. They are extremely difficult to recreate, and should
only be used in specific situations.
form the principles, order thinking - characteristic for each of us. They find
reflected in human behavior, and the results of the activities we can talk
about the status and the characteristics of a society member. But if these
algorithms are in the same place? Is it possible to improve, to change, modify
them in order to obtain greater benefits from the environment? Not only
possible, but necessary.
regains increasingly important role in everyday life. Too many things fall
under our control. Too many activities we have to make and, moreover, to take
responsibility for results. The world affects us, but we are not able to exert
less influence. Shaping the environment, in line with our objectives and
can try to continue to use the well-known principles. It is possible to immerse
oneself in the study and discovery of something new, better and more convenient
to use. You can explore the masses of people and predict their behavior, and
you can walk away with his head in reflexing and take knowledge of themselves.
The range of possibilities is wide and instruments - already in our hands. What
we have done, taking advantage of them? All we want.
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