The evolution of mankind

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Under the protection of the mind

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Flexible, sophisticated, extremely sensitive structure. It's about our psyche. Learning to perceive the world around us, it responds to all changes, adapting to receive new signals, interpret and issue a response. Moreover, the mental challenge as is the ranking of priorities, the creation of a single structure that is clear and easy to use. But "naked" the psyche can not develop as rapidly as the mind.
In nature, there are no right and rapid evolution mechanisms. Adapting itself (the first component of evolution) is a slow adaptation under the laws of the world. The second mechanism (mutation), considers the exceptionally rapid changes, but with unpredictable consequences. Often, a mutation we mean is not always positive changes. Or something that allows us to dramatically outperform individuals of the same species.
Two extremes, which created the world around us. But what does the man himself? More precisely our ability as a creator. We know the world, speeding up the pace, and here we are not talking about a mutation, namely an accelerated evolution. The principles laid down the same. There are needs that we meet, going on a compromise. We can beat his chest and say that will not allow the technology to change lives. And in cases of diseases - hastily drink medicines phoning doctors prick antibiotics. Otherwise - die from diseases of the last century. Or vice versa. We can be captured by means of technologies and admire their development, but not yet ready to cut off my limbs, changing them for similar prostheses.
Our mind keeps the border between what we want and what surrounds us. Search outs and compromises. Yes, it is easier to make quick decisions, as required by the environment, but it is not rational. A too long delay is not permissible, since we immediately lose more determined and courageous individuals. Intelligence protects our mind, and we can justify ourselves that act rationally (if indeed to do so).
Rationalism, logic - is a kind of "shield" between us and the outside world. Using them, we allow ourselves to throw away unnecessary emotions and feelings. The feeling of irritability, bitterness, sadness, frustration, or crush. Emotions that are not necessary to be in certain situations. All this - the burden which hinders our development. Yes, anyone can develop to be absolutely "no interest", "does not fit". In the end - each of us is the subject, personality, someone who originally looking at the world. And the value of every human being shall have the right to life, if agreed with the values ​​of others.
Does it mind to seek a way out of situations, adapt to them, to develop and improve? No, we can do without it. But the costs are not comparable with the use of logic and rationality, or without them.
No one can force us to use intelligence, or abandon it. No one. Besides ourselves.


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