The evolution of mankind

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Hackers’ bodies

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The modern world alters the human body, in the same way as changing his mind. We willingly or unwillingly is a unit of the modern world and are forced to operate within certain limits and conditions. We identifiable influence and forced him to resist or accept.
Our thinking is sharpened under the objectivity of the surrounding stimuli. We think and understand, try to realize all that is happening around and to put into practice. We can relate to the body completely and exactly the same as relate to the mechanisms that have become a natural environment for our stay.
We literally break open the genetic code; fill the body by various resources that are created artificially. The tablets, vitamins, various formulations and production products. Man builds itself based on the specific goals and desires. The concept of the body has not yet been folded into consciousness, and subjectively, we can ascribe a variety of features and options.
Being an ascetic or a sportsman, to develop health, or to sacrifice them for the sake of other objectives? Mir provides tools for the entire spectrum of our desires. We make use of them or not - depends on us.


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