The evolution of mankind

Sunday, September 18, 2016

System update

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The mind is a system of different experiences, world views, experience and theoretical knowledge. We can endlessly expand the term, and endlessly divide it into categories and classes of constituent elements. But this does not give us the full perception of the mind. The only thing that we can say is the dependence of consciousness on the environment in which a person grows. And here we come to the startling conclusion that, as never before humanity not to be surrounded by so many technologies.
Our worldview, which previously formed on the principle of "genetic data, along generational lines, limited access to information", is now bursting at the seams. Access to information is the absolute and universal. The load on the brain - is as strong as ever. Scientific discoveries and achievements are pouring shaft, and not giving a chance, what would stop and look around.
We learn to perceive the world not as a wise system of harmonious education, or something that brings chaos and aggression. No. The world of today is absolutely indifferent, which requires knowledge and perfection. We can continue to rely on old facts, stereotypes and prejudices. And we can create something that would not subject anyone to us. Can we? Addressed only to us.


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