The evolution of mankind

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Deficit of ideas

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The value of the human mind is the production of new ideas and theories. Looking at the world subjectively, we find a unique use of different components. On the basis of the great inventors, thinkers and scientists built their theories and concepts. But man, in order to exist in society, must not only produce unique ideas, but also to find something in common with all the representatives of the environment.
A thin line separates genius from a madman. The line, that allows us to offer a unique material, but remain attached and understandable to the public. After all, anyone can offer ideas, but then the question arises, how they are valuable?
Number of people on the planet is growing as the number of sub-cultures, ideologies and worldviews. We increase the quantitative potential of all that mankind has managed to create. At the junction of the incredible and joined the new trends emerge, and then killed to make room for even more incredible. The modern world is at the peak of activity, equal which was never. And what will be the result of such an existence? What is actually the result of uncontrolled growth and development? Select each of us.


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