The evolution of mankind

Saturday, December 10, 2016

The duty to make a choice

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Human life for many centuries has been built around this duty. Even primitive people choose between rest and hunting, sleeping, or risk being killed. Cruel world offered only certain options, which if not threatened with death. We used to make a choice, and we believe it is a duty, a duty law. World of democracy and freedom stay on this possibility, which is closely guarded to each of us. But what if the choice is even greater deprivation of a blessing?
The norms of morality and humanity, along with the current situation, confront the person a number of ethical questions. The problems of euthanasia, nurturing babies, disable people from life-support machines - the problem of complex and ambiguous. But they can be solved by giving the person more opportunities. Possibilities that are realized through technology.
Medicine works more effectively with patients, law enforcement authorities suppress crime in the bud, and the civilized world ensures the safety of citizens. Our capabilities allow us to find the solution is a compromise. Man becomes free and no longer obliged to choose between the extremes. We are able to act as a good count. As a minimum, because it is capable of.


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