The evolution of mankind

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Funds that have become the target

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Fashion, society, the desire to be the best - it all dictates certain rules according to which we should definitely look, think and act. Systems of values, unique or mass, provide for certain attributes, certain markers, according to which and is determined by a person's status in society. That is, there are certain "measure" system of how "good" this or that person in the society. What affects the status? The number of available resources, each of which can compensate for the other.
And here there is a shift away from the true goals and values ​​in the area of ​​false and highly controversial issues. Society saves resources and is, that it can not take advantage of them, because of certain circumstances. We are looking for the mythical "freedom", "wealth", "pleasure" to have the possibility of enjoying the opportunities that are not available to others. Who wants to be the richest man in the world? Units. Who wants to be richer than your friends? Get the best career, a better car, a bigger apartment, a beautiful wife / husband ... The second is much more. Cause? Resources easily produce.
Having a certain rate, working "on schedule", distributing responsibility - we become part of the system, which helps us ensure that you receive a certain profit. After receiving a guarantee, it is easier to build expectations, it is easier and easier to turn out to save the resource name, apart from the objective as such.
Is it good or bad? It is good if the resource is indeed in demand and hard to reach. Poor, if the meaning of life is reduced to the accumulation and increase the resource, which is already in excess of available man. And then we have to make the right decision. Find the courage to admit wrong and change the orientation preferences. Do not be conservative, and like a dragon hoard gold in a deep cave. Find a sphere in which the resource will be a valuable, sought-after and work. Money are just pieces of paper while lying in your wallet or safe. The time saved anywhere, immediately turns into nothing, when we go to social networks or chat about anything with friends. Freedom can instantly lead to depression, if we do not find a case that will take us to the head.
Erroneous landmarks empty illusion, deceptive goal - all this leads only to the fact that we are even more confusing yourself and become susceptible to external stimuli. We can use, suggesting that it is easy to get anywhere (if we have intelligence, attentiveness, rationality) and we Cluny for the bait.
The world offers us many opportunities. We are physically unable to take it all. We can always be sad and grieve about the missed moments, but we can work with what is already available. To achieve what we want, as people. Choose and decide for yourself, not because someone wants something different.
World at 90% is created in our minds, depending on how we react to it. Me or not, rethink life, give away its deepest reflection or continue to move as we want to ... you know who makes the choice.


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