The evolution of mankind

Monday, March 7, 2016

Help by technology

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Do appliances fully replace human abilities? It all depends on what we mean by genus "man" and that require it. Certain tasks, we are capable of solving in seconds with little effort. Other - it is easier to transfer to the actuators. In general, the idea of ​​replacing some parts of the body to other, more efficient, is actively supported at this time. Moreover, we intervene in the "holy of holies" defenders of the natural way of life. Directly in the human head. Dental fillings, dentures, lenses for eyes, artificial lenses and hearing aids.
All of these items serve one purpose - to help us. But whether they can fully take over the functions of the person? Disassemble man parts, and look at the functions of its elements - is meaningless. Technology is no substitute for the human. While no substitute.
Now we use the technology only for the shortcomings of compensation. Medications - eliminate the disease. Prostheses are replacing lost limbs. Any treatment used only when the detected problem. Yes, there are a range of treatments, diet types, healthy lifestyle. But they help to maintain the strength and develop ... Although there are better options.
We are quite ready for what would stop to compensate for deficiencies. Those medicines, knowledge of the body can be used, that would more fully reveal its potential. This is already happening with the active use of nootropics, vitamins, nutritional supplements, steroids and peptides. Side effects - merit ignorance focus on fast results and illiteracy.
Technology can help us. But do not replace us. Separately - can not. But what if you objectively look at a person's status as a biological being and the role of technology in our history. Of course, they do not serve "the gates of Paradise." Perfect products will be available to people who can get them. And no matter what method. This, at the same time, and solve the "problem" of overpopulation. Technology can help, but to get them - is another question.
There will be no "golden billion", as well as other "gold" of units. There are only people who work tirelessly and without knowing rest. They will work hard, work hard, improve and explore the world. While the rest of mankind will enjoy your vacation, hedonism, and other pleasures.
Technology can help us facilitate the work, open up new opportunities. But they can not replace the role of the man. Even in close synthesis, integration with artificial intelligence and improving labor tools - the resulting product will not only technological.
We are responsible for themselves, their status and position. Our place in society - is determined by our actions and deeds. Fate - this is just a consequence of the events and actions that we have made, or that happened to us. So what is our choice now? Hoping to help the "golden age" to be blind consumers, "the gifts of the gods," and leave the right to criticize the government. Or himself to get to the top, to become the best in the business, to achieve perfection, and if you do not stand at the helm, you keep your finger on the engine.
Being on the side of the road or highway in the center of - our choice.


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