in 1930-ies of the last century, created his concept of human development is
about attachment to a biological basis. The noosphere as prudent management and
control of the nature of the resources available to the people. We can change
the river beds, cut down and planted forests, use of the desert, as a source of
huge energy resources. Anyway, we modify the biosphere getting the maximum
benefit. Just connect together and surrender the power of the mind everything
is something imperious. We affirm their status, leveling the interests of other
beings. Nevertheless, we have associated with them in a single system. The
system, which continues to evolve and improve.
a person with the final form? Of course no. We passed only part of the way and
only "went into the taste." Pay attention to what we manipulate what
we use. Huge potential, access to which is becoming a larger percentage of the
population. Information, resources, scope, types of creativity - we develop and
modernize the world changing at the same time. Activities defines us as we
define it, existing in mutual communication. We are united not only with
animals (similarity which leads to a certain percentage of genetic
information). We represent one of the important components of plant life (ensuring
the production of carbon dioxide), terraforming, and other elements that
change, without noticing and taking as a natural process.
really are in the status of those who dictate the conditions surrounding world.
And the world executes them immediately, no questions asked. The only thing
that happens in it, is a kind of "protective reaction, which should only
prevent its extinction.
is acting within the framework of the mechanisms that it lays nature. We remain
aggressive, primitive, warlike. We continue to survive where there is a very
comfortable environment. If the opponent does not, we create it and are
fighting, claiming their status. As the world continues to be developed and
civilized man is becoming fiercer. Weapons that mows hundreds of people. War
and terrorist attacks which have become only the statistics. We continue to
calmly eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, impartially looking at the tragedy that
rocked the world.
globalization, the value of a person, as a functional unit - is rapidly
falling. With this population growth, we are extremely committed to the rapid
inflation. And very sharply raised not only questions of euthanasia, but also a
radical intervention in the human body. Killing - too cruel. To treat the
symptoms - it is dangerous, because the virus does not "die" without
a trace, and partly remains in the genetic map of an organism, clogging his and
subsequent generations of organisms. Thus, accumulating and spreading, it
threatens the whole human race, reducing its protection.
puts a radical framework: Adapt or die. And now we are able to answer no less
radical. Humanity is using the full potential, can reject sickness, old age,
and the imperfection of the organism rapidly to jerk forward. Developing no casualties
and losses, as a healthy, clean, new body.
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