The evolution of mankind

Friday, March 25, 2016

The illusion of normality

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Any large mass of people prone to the description in the light of a certain stereotype. It is difficult, but it reflects the essence. For a large group of people already have a certain generalization, under which they, in one way or another, but the fall. Certain stereotypes, which put both the external environment and the masses themselves participants. And the majority of which fall within the scope of this stereotype, automatically becomes "normal". In nature, there is also a concept of the norm. A certain order, the pursuit of homeostasis, connections between different structures. But at the same time take into account the external conditions, the type of mission, its strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, these frames apart even wider for the person. Taken into account cultural element, nationality, ethnicity, special tastes and hobbies. And here we find ourselves in a situation where disparate groups considered "normal" as something which is not necessary to fit. In the circle of like-minded people feel free to set rules and regulations, failure of which - is punishable.
We can not say that a certain behavior is normal. The most it can be close to the natural course of things. For example: heterosexuality - the need to extend the kind among the people. Hence, it would be considered normal, despite the inclinations and preferences of individuals. In today's world, a man considered to be more adapted to perform a wide range of applications (including those at the risk of life) than a woman, and it is natural that a man (as breadwinner) plays the role of a leader. But it is normal only in the countries and cultures that differentiate the tasks of men and women. However, where officially there is no difference between them - the need to seek any "rights and freedoms" are not. Or, if we look at those countries where the separation is due to the laws of survival.
Norma - typical for each individual or group of people. Another example is dentures. Someone may desperately to defend the position that any implantation is harmful. But at the same time, such a person may well walk around with a seal in the tooth, an artificial lens or lens. Why? Because this intervention - it equates to the level of other people. But what if the implants will give a person more opportunities? Strong and hardy muscles, internal organs perfectly working, competent delivery of nutrients directly into the brain ... man go beyond invented (culture, politics, ethnic group) "normality" and will be lonely? No, he will find the same normal, like himself. So whether it is worth spending the brink of the "norm"?
The rule is identical with comfort. And it should go beyond the comfort, for the state of the people, we automatically go beyond the norm. And the greater the difference, the more aggressive behavior of others against those who seek to change. Especially clearly evident in the "bucket of crabs." If one put a crab in a bucket, sooner or later, but it will start to get out and even be able to find freedom. But if there will be some crabs, some part of them will interfere with the Braves, leaving normal habitat.
Should we isolate ourselves from people and enjoy the road to excellence - it depends on the situation. We - social creatures. In our society, support, strength and opportunities. It should alternate, and used in a situation full of abstraction, or full acceptance of certain norms. Demonstration of something, does not mean full acceptance of delegated regulations. That means by which we will achieve the goals, and what we will look at this - depends on us.


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