The evolution of mankind

Friday, March 25, 2016

Tin Woodman

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Being a cyborg is bad. The unequivocal answer to any cultural product to last five years. Heroes refuse immortality, prefer human, weak body, killing themselves - just not to be "is not." Although the answer to the question "who am I", a person can not give, even in his body. So it is good or bad to become a cyborg, whose capabilities are superior to men, not in the comparative amount of time? And we run the risk of "losing themselves" merely changing body?
Man - the most flexible and dangerous creature. We adapt very quickly under any conditions, and we can find the benefit, even if the fiasco. We are smart, hardy, fast. Our sphere of influence more and more covering the planet, and even goes beyond it. We contemplate the world, we understand its structure and know ourselves. Exaggerating, we can say that we have a cluster of atoms, which studies other atoms. And these atoms are constantly changing, interact, leaving the body to make room for new elementary particles. We change, take part in the movement, and this movement is the main condition for evolution. Conservatism can survive, avoiding mistakes in correctly configured society. But errors can accumulate, or - external shock will lead to breach of established order. In any case, the movement is a direct cause and effect of our lives. Without it, we are no different from a stone lying in the middle of the desert.
Our body is prone to changes, most of which are still beyond the control of our consciousness. We do not track the intracellular processes that do not regulate the activity of the nervous system, secretion of gastric juice, and other processes that take place automatically. So if we do not control them, why they are part of "us." One of the reasons - we depend on them.
The body is a tool for the implementation of certain tendencies in the world. A tool is effective when it is held in the order, regularly cleaned, lubricate, adjust. The tool can be improved, and then the work is done with greater efficiency. In this case, the result will depend not only on the body as a "tool" but our consciousness. Give your computer the shaman of the tribe, a teenager and a businessman. First - let it consumables, drying leaves on a metal cabinet or knocking them bananas. Second - install popular games and they devote the lion's share of his time. Third - uses for work, data processing dry. Artificial body can be "locked" to your taste. We need enhanced vision and high brain activity - please. The need to improve the endurance and protection against aggressive environments - ready. Change the organics on the mechanics, for the sake of change, will only fans of cyberpunk and their ilk. But to change a part or the whole body in order to achieve a specific, qualitative changes - is another matter.
You can find a hormone analogues in the world of mechanics. You can create an artificial body, which apparently will not be distinguishable from the usual. You can improve the mother body to achieve stunning results of his work. Being a cyborg - neither good nor bad. It all depends on how we use the resources made available through technology. For what we use this potential. And we will not be judged for the intentions and methods of realization, and for a specific result.


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